Incident Response Planning Committee

Preparing for the Unexpected, Responding with Confidence


The mission of the Incident Response Planning Committee is to encourage organizations to develop and improve their incident response plans. The committee promotes a culture of conducting drills, establishing communication protocols, and coordinating response efforts to enable organizations to minimize the impact of security incidents and facilitate a timely and effective response.

Products, Services & Solutions in this domain

Incident response management platforms provide a centralized platform for planning, coordinating, and executing incident response activities. These platforms help organizations streamline the incident response process, track incident progress, and facilitate effective collaboration among response teams.

SIEM solutions play a crucial role in incident response by collecting and analyzing security event data from various sources. They provide real-time monitoring, correlation, and alerting capabilities to detect and respond to security incidents promptly.

Forensic investigation tools assist in collecting and analyzing digital evidence during incident response investigations. These tools help identify the root cause of incidents, trace the attacker’s activities, and gather evidence for potential legal actions.

Threat intelligence platforms supply valuable insights into the threat landscape, including indicators of compromise (IoCs) and emerging attack trends. Incident response teams leverage these platforms to gain a deeper understanding of the threat actors, their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and prioritize response actions accordingly.

Communication and collaboration tools facilitate effective communication and collaboration among incident response teams, enabling swift decision-making and coordinated response efforts. These tools include instant messaging platforms, conference bridges, and incident response communication channels.

Incident response playbooks are documented procedures that outline the step-by-step actions to be taken during a security incident. These playbooks serve as a reference for incident response teams, ensuring a structured and efficient response to different types of incidents.

Incident response planning software assists organizations in developing and maintaining robust incident response plans. These solutions provide templates, workflows, and collaboration tools to streamline the creation and execution of incident response plans. They help organizations establish protocols for detecting, responding to, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents.

Committee Structure, Roles, Responsibilities & Membership Benefits


Incident Response Plan Development

The committee assists organizations in developing comprehensive and tailored incident response plans. It provides guidance on plan structure, documentation, and alignment with industry standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring organizations have a clear roadmap for responding to security incidents.

Continuous Plan Improvement

The committee advocates for the continuous improvement of incident response plans. It encourages organizations to conduct regular reviews, updates, and exercises to test and enhance the effectiveness of their plans, ensuring they remain up to date with evolving threats and technologies.

Communication and Coordination

The committee emphasizes the importance of establishing communication and coordination protocols within organizations. It promotes the integration of incident response teams, facilitates cross-functional collaboration, and encourages the establishment of communication channels to ensure seamless information sharing during an incident.

Incident Response Drills and Exercises

The committee encourages organizations to conduct incident response drills and exercises. It facilitates the planning and execution of simulated scenarios to test the effectiveness of response plans, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the preparedness of incident response teams.

Integration with Security Operations

The committee advocates for the integration of incident response plans with security operations. It promotes the alignment of incident response processes and workflows with security monitoring, threat intelligence, and detection capabilities, enabling a seamless transition from detection to response.

Incident Reporting and Analysis

The committee emphasizes the importance of incident reporting and analysis. It encourages organizations to establish mechanisms for reporting and documenting incidents, facilitating post-incident analysis, and capturing lessons learned to improve future response efforts and enhance organizational resilience.

Training and Education

The committee promotes training and education on incident response best practices. It develops resources, conducts training sessions, and disseminates educational materials to raise awareness about incident response methodologies, tools, and techniques, enabling organizations to build a skilled and knowledgeable incident response workforce.

Collaboration and Information Sharing

The committee facilitates collaboration and information sharing among organizations. It encourages the sharing of incident response experiences, case studies, and best practices to foster a community of learning and to collectively improve the incident response capabilities across the industry.

Compliance and Regulatory Alignment

The committee provides guidance on aligning incident response plans with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. It helps organizations understand their compliance obligations, incorporate regulatory requirements into their plans, and develop strategies for managing legal and regulatory aspects during incident response.

By pursuing these mission and goals, the Incident Response Planning Committee encourages organizations to develop and improve their incident response plans. It promotes a culture of conducting drills, establishing communication protocols, and coordinating response efforts to enable organizations to minimize the impact of security incidents and facilitate a timely and effective response. Ultimately, the committee aims to enhance organizational resilience, reduce response times, and mitigate the potential damage caused by security incidents.

Frequently asked questions

Cybersecurity incident response refers to the process of detecting, investigating, containing, and recovering from a cybersecurity incident. It involves a coordinated effort to mitigate the impact of the incident, minimize damage, restore normal operations, and prevent future occurrences.

Incident response is essential in cybersecurity because:

Timely detection and response: It allows organizations to identify security incidents promptly and take immediate action to mitigate the impact, preventing further damage.

Minimizing financial losses: Effective incident response helps reduce financial losses by minimizing the duration of the incident, limiting data breaches, and avoiding prolonged downtime.

Protecting sensitive information: Incident response helps safeguard sensitive data by containing and mitigating the impact of a breach, preventing unauthorized access or disclosure.

Preserving reputation and customer trust: A well-executed incident response demonstrates a commitment to cybersecurity and can help maintain customer trust, reputation, and brand value.

Regulatory compliance: Many data protection and privacy regulations require organizations to have robust incident response plans and processes in place to address security breaches and protect individuals’ personal information.

Learning and improvement: Incident response activities provide valuable insights for organizations to learn from incidents, identify vulnerabilities, and improve their overall cybersecurity posture.

A cybersecurity incident response plan typically includes the following components:

Preparation: This involves developing an incident response team, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing communication channels and protocols.

Detection and analysis: Procedures for detecting, analyzing, and confirming security incidents, including the use of security monitoring tools, log analysis, and threat intelligence.

Response and containment: Steps to contain the incident, mitigate the impact, and prevent further unauthorized access or data loss. This may involve isolating affected systems, changing credentials, or implementing temporary security measures.

Investigation and recovery: Processes for investigating the incident, identifying the root cause, and gathering evidence. Recovery activities may include restoring systems, data, and services, as well as conducting forensic analysis.

Communication and reporting: Guidelines for internal and external communication, including notifying relevant stakeholders, customers, regulatory authorities, and law enforcement agencies as necessary.

Lessons learned and improvement: Documentation of lessons learned from the incident, feedback on the effectiveness of the response, and updates to the incident response plan and security controls based on the findings.

Organizations can prepare for cybersecurity incidents by:

Developing an incident response plan: Create a comprehensive incident response plan that outlines the steps to be taken during different types of incidents.

Establishing an incident response team: Assemble a team of skilled professionals with defined roles and responsibilities in incident response, including representatives from IT, security, legal, communications, and management.

Conducting regular training and drills: Train employees on incident response procedures, conduct tabletop exercises, and simulate different types of incidents to test the effectiveness of the plan and ensure readiness.

Implementing security controls: Deploy robust security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, endpoint protection, and security monitoring tools to detect and prevent incidents.

Regularly updating and patching systems: Keep software and systems up to date with the latest security patches to minimize vulnerabilities that could be exploited in an incident.

Monitoring and threat intelligence: Establish continuous monitoring of networks and systems for potential threats and utilize threat intelligence to stay informed about emerging risks and attack vectors.

Engaging external support: Establish relationships with incident response service providers, legal counsel, and cybersecurity experts to seek assistance in the event of a significant incident.

Reviewing and updating the incident response plan: Regularly review and update the incident response plan based on lessons learned, changes in the threat landscape, and evolving organizational needs.

The incident response process typically involves the following phases:

Preparation: This includes developing the incident response plan, assembling the incident response team, and establishing communication channels and protocols.

Identification: Detecting and identifying the occurrence of a potential security incident, such as unusual network activity, system alerts, or reports from employees or external sources.

Containment: Taking immediate action to contain the incident and prevent further unauthorized access or damage. This may involve isolating affected systems, blocking malicious activities, or disconnecting compromised devices from the network.

Eradication: Investigating the root cause of the incident, removing any malware or unauthorized access, and patching vulnerabilities to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Recovery: Restoring affected systems, data, and services to normal operation, ensuring that the environment is secure and free from any remnants of the incident.

Lessons learned: Conducting a post-incident analysis to identify areas for improvement in the incident response plan, security controls, and overall cybersecurity posture. This includes documenting lessons learned and implementing necessary changes.

Reporting: Communicating the incident to relevant stakeholders, including management, employees, customers, regulatory authorities, and law enforcement agencies, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Organizations can enhance their incident response capabilities by:

Regularly reviewing and updating the incident response plan based on emerging threats, lessons learned, and organizational changes.

Conducting realistic and regular drills and exercises to test the effectiveness of the incident response plan and identify areas for improvement.

Implementing security automation and orchestration tools to streamline incident response processes and improve response time.

Establishing strong partnerships with external incident response service providers, forensic experts, and legal counsel to leverage their expertise during significant incidents.

Enhancing threat intelligence capabilities to proactively identify potential threats and stay informed about the latest attack techniques and trends.

Promoting a culture of security awareness and training among employees, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities in incident response and know how to report potential security incidents.

Continuously monitoring networks and systems for potential threats and investing in advanced detection and response technologies.

Collaborating with industry peers and participating in information sharing initiatives to benefit from collective intelligence and improve incident response readiness.