Security Culture, Awareness & Training Committee

Empowering Security from Within


The mission of the GCA Security Culture, Awareness, and Training Committee is to advance the field of security culture and awareness by promoting best practices, fostering collaboration, and driving thought leadership. We aim to cultivate a global cybersecurity community that values and prioritizes security culture, awareness, and continuous improvement in order to effectively combat cyber threats.

Products, Services & Solutions in this domain

Security culture assessment tools evaluate an organization’s security culture and behavioral patterns related to cybersecurity. These tools use surveys, interviews, and assessments to measure employees’ attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors towards security. Security culture assessment tools provide insights into the organization’s current security culture and identify areas for improvement.

Engagement and communication services focus on fostering employee involvement and commitment to cybersecurity practices. This includes regular communication channels, awareness campaigns, and interactive platforms to encourage dialogue, feedback, and collaboration among employees.

Employee behavior analytics solutions monitor and analyze employees’ actions and behaviors within the organization’s IT environment. These solutions use advanced analytics techniques to detect anomalous or risky behavior that may indicate potential security threats or policy violations. Employee behavior analytics solutions help organizations proactively identify and address security-related issues.

A security champions program involves selecting and training a group of employees to serve as security advocates within the organization. These individuals act as ambassadors for cybersecurity, promoting best practices, providing guidance to their peers, and raising awareness about security-related issues. Security champions programs help create a network of security-conscious individuals who can influence organizational behavior positively.

Gamification platforms leverage game elements and mechanics to engage employees and encourage security-conscious behavior. These platforms create interactive challenges, quizzes, and competitions that reward employees for demonstrating good security practices. Gamification platforms make learning about cybersecurity enjoyable and motivate employees to actively participate in security initiatives.

Committee Structure, Roles, Responsibilities & Membership Benefits


Best Practice Promotion

Our primary goal is to promote industry-leading best practices in security culture and awareness. Through research, knowledge sharing, and collaboration, we strive to identify and disseminate effective strategies that organizations can adopt to develop a strong security culture, enhance awareness among their members, and foster a cybersecurity-conscious environment.

Collaboration and Networking

We foster collaboration and networking among GCA members, cybersecurity professionals, and relevant stakeholders. By facilitating meaningful connections and information exchange, we aim to encourage the sharing of insights, experiences, and best practices related to security culture and awareness. Through collaborative efforts, we strengthen the collective ability to address cyber threats effectively.

Thought Leadership and Advocacy

We aspire to be a thought leader in the field of security culture and awareness. By engaging with industry experts, policymakers, and regulatory bodies, we contribute to the development of policies, standards, and frameworks that emphasize the importance of security culture and awareness. We advocate for their integration into organizational strategies, ensuring cybersecurity is a shared responsibility.

Knowledge Dissemination

We are dedicated to promoting knowledge and raising awareness about security culture and awareness. Through publications, webinars, conferences, and other communication channels, we share insights, research findings, and practical recommendations. Our goal is to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge needed to implement effective security practices and foster a cyber-aware culture.

Measurement and Evaluation

We strive to develop metrics and evaluation frameworks that enable organizations to assess their security culture and awareness initiatives. By providing guidance on measuring security awareness levels, conducting assessments, and evaluating the impact of awareness programs, we help organizations identify areas for improvement and track progress over time.

Professional Development and Education

We support the professional development of individuals involved in security culture and awareness. Our goal is to provide educational resources, workshops, and opportunities for continuous learning. By offering access to relevant research, industry trends, and best practices, we empower professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills in promoting security culture and awareness.

Frequently asked questions

Cybersecurity culture refers to the collective mindset, behaviors, and attitudes within an organization regarding cybersecurity. It encompasses the values, beliefs, and practices that promote a strong security-conscious environment.

Cybersecurity culture is crucial for organizations because:

Human factor: Employees play a significant role in preventing cyber threats. A strong cybersecurity culture ensures that employees are aware, engaged, and actively contribute to protecting the organization’s information assets.

Risk reduction: A positive security culture reduces the likelihood of security incidents, such as phishing attacks, insider threats, and unintentional data breaches.

Compliance and regulations: Many industry regulations require organizations to establish and maintain a strong cybersecurity culture to protect sensitive data and comply with legal obligations.

Reputation and trust: A strong security culture enhances an organization’s reputation and instills confidence in customers, partners, and stakeholders who trust their data will be handled securely.

Incident response effectiveness: When a security incident occurs, an organization with a strong cybersecurity culture can respond more effectively, minimizing the impact and facilitating a timely recovery.

Cybersecurity awareness refers to having knowledge and understanding of potential cyber threats, risks, and best practices to protect sensitive information and systems from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber-attacks.

Cybersecurity awareness is important because:

Human factor: Employees are often the weakest link in an organization’s cybersecurity defense. Awareness training helps individuals recognize and avoid common cyber threats, reducing the likelihood of falling victim to social engineering attacks.

Risk reduction: Awareness programs educate employees on best practices for password security, safe browsing, email phishing, and other cyber hygiene practices, minimizing the risk of security incidents and data breaches.

Incident response: Well-trained employees can play an active role in identifying and reporting potential security incidents, helping to mitigate the impact and facilitate a timely response.

Compliance requirements: Many industry regulations and frameworks require organizations to provide cybersecurity awareness training to employees to ensure compliance with data protection and privacy laws.

Organizational reputation: A strong security culture driven by cybersecurity awareness can enhance an organization’s reputation and build trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders.

Cybersecurity awareness training should cover topics such as:

Phishing and social engineering: How to identify and avoid suspicious emails, phone calls, or messages attempting to trick users into revealing sensitive information or performing unauthorized actions.

Password hygiene: Best practices for creating strong and unique passwords, using password managers, and avoiding common password mistakes.

Safe browsing habits: Recognizing and avoiding malicious websites, downloading files from trusted sources, and understanding the risks associated with clicking on unfamiliar links.

Mobile device security: Securing smartphones and tablets, protecting personal and work-related data, and understanding the risks of using public Wi-Fi networks.

Data protection: Understanding the importance of data classification, handling sensitive information securely, and following data protection policies and procedures.

Social media safety: Privacy settings, sharing information cautiously, and being mindful of the potential risks and implications of oversharing on social media platforms.

Incident reporting: How to report potential security incidents or suspicious activities to the appropriate internal contacts or IT support.

Physical security: Best practices for securing physical devices, protecting sensitive documents, and recognizing potential physical security threats.

Remote work security: Secure use of remote access tools, home network security, and the importance of keeping software and devices up to date.

The frequency of cybersecurity awareness training depends on various factors, including the organization’s risk profile, industry regulations, and emerging threats. It is recommended to conduct regular training sessions at least annually or whenever there are significant changes in the threat landscape or organizational processes. Additionally, ongoing awareness efforts, such as monthly newsletters, posters, or simulated phishing exercises, can reinforce key concepts and keep cybersecurity top of mind for employees.

Organizations can measure the effectiveness of their cybersecurity awareness training through various methods:

Knowledge assessments: Conducting pre- and post-training assessments to evaluate the level of understanding and improvement in cybersecurity knowledge among employees.

Phishing simulations: Running simulated phishing campaigns to test employees’ ability to identify and report phishing emails, and tracking the click-through rates to identify areas of improvement.

Incident reporting: Monitoring the number and quality of security incidents reported by employees to assess their vigilance and understanding of incident response protocols.

Feedback and surveys: Collecting feedback from employees to gauge their perception of the training program and identify areas that may require further attention or improvement.

Tracking metrics: Monitoring metrics such as reduced number of security incidents, increased compliance with security policies, or reduced response time to security incidents as indicators of the training program’s effectiveness.